From 1 template in 6 weeks to 75+ in days

From 1 template in 6 weeks to 75+ in days

Spring Health, a mental health solution for employers and health plan providers, sought a functional solution for their co-branding needs. The legacy DAM system they were using wasn’t cutting it for them. They needed a more efficient, customizable platform to streamline their brand-building efforts.

Spring Health uses Frontify since 2023
Brand Guidelines
Digital Asset Management
Digital & Print Templates

Spring Health adopted Frontify in September 2023. Since then, the teams have improved their process for creating templates and managing their assets. Let’s take a look at their journey.

Timeliness troubles

Before Spring Health adopted Frontify, they were managing their assets with a legacy DAM system that was hard to use and didn’t have the functionality the team needed. Publishing just one template using their legacy DAM took three to six weeks. Plus, they had to rely on the vendor to code all their templates.

This wasn’t an efficient solution for Spring Health: The team creates a lot of content and provides all stakeholders (including employers and health plan providers) with customized content and all the onboarding materials needed for each organization. In fact, roughly 75% of their assets are co-branded, and they produce between 10 and 50 templates per day.

With a high volume of content, the lack of a reliable brand-building platform was affecting many teams:

  • Implementation team: The implementation team has a high volume of requests and quick turnaround times. They needed a solution that enabled them to move quickly without sacrificing quality.
  • Customer success team: The team had trouble finding the right assets and content. They weren’t sure what version to look for, what the file name was, or where to search. It was challenging to find specific flyers or assets. They needed a single source of truth for content.
  • Marketing team: Marketers spent a lot of time on admin tasks — answering questions and pointing people to the right areas to find the relevant files and folders. They couldn’t focus on strategy, and they were essentially a service desk.

Overall, Spring Health needed a more functional solution that offered a level of customization and self-service that many DAM platforms didn’t provide.

A comprehensive cure

Recognizing the limitations of their previous system, Spring Health turned to Frontify for a more dynamic and self-service-oriented solution. With Frontify, they have established corporate brand guidelines, a single source of truth for assets, and a process for streamlining template creation.

Spring Health uses Frontify for many tasks, projects, and activities:

  • PDF creation and management: Spring Health creates digital, print, and direct mail pieces. With the print documents, Frontify’s InDesign integration makes it easy to get files print-ready. And since Frontify has settings and features to make each piece print-ready — like adding crop marks — the team can easily coordinate with printing vendors.
  • Asset library: Spring Health has a prebuilt library of QR codes, stock photos, and brand icons. And that’s just scratching the surface of everything they’ve started storing in Frontify. They also keep all customer logos in Frontify so all teams know which version of a customer logo to use for co-branded materials. Plus, Frontify enables document control — every file available is the correct one. Employees no longer have to wonder if they’re using the most current version of a particular asset.
  • Resource sharing: Frontify has enabled Spring Health to replace Dropbox and zip files. The team can share externally with other Spring Health employees or customers with just one link — and the recipient doesn’t even have to have a Frontify account. For each file, the team can set permissions and ensure the right people have access. For example, Spring Health opened Frontify to their sales team and set up a specific folder with all the pre-approved customer logos.
  • Collaboration: Frontify has helped Spring Health improve collaboration between marketing teams, coworkers, and stakeholders. In the platform, folks can easily communicate with each other and add comments on the templates about the design or copy.
  • Analytics: Frontify has also enabled the team to see how each design is distributed, including who shares and consumes it. The analytics component has added value for the marketing team at Spring Health, giving them insights into what their audience likes to engage with. With Frontify, they can be more strategic and data-driven.

I have to say that this, by far, was the best platform team I worked with, and I've gone through more implementations than I care to admit.

Connie Bravo

Senior Manager, Marketing Technology and Analytics

A time-saving success

Since adopting Frontify in September 2023, Spring Health has published over 175 templates and saved 16 hours per template. Four teams have already been onboarded onto Frontify – and that's only the beginning.

We went from getting one template published in three to six weeks to 75 published in a matter of days.

Connie Bravo

Senior Manager, Marketing Technology and Analytics

Before Frontify, the Spring Health team was trying to prioritize support for its global team, but they didn’t have the resources or personnel to mass-produce 200+ unique templates in a relatively short time frame. With Frontify, that’s no longer an issue. They can quickly produce and publish templates to support their global team.

Greater adoption, greater ROI

Above is an example of a flyer template for Mental Health Awareness Month. Any Spring Health employee with access to Frontify could use this template. They just needed to add a unique QR code and send it off to their customer. “It was very quick and easy to get uploaded and in the hands of our users. From the request to the go-live date in Frontify, it was about two days,” said Connie.

Spring Health is also planning to launch its products and services in 25 languages. It was unclear to the team if that could be achieved without Frontify. But as they get more comfortable with the platform, they’re finding more functionality to support their branding and marketing goals.

And because the team produces and publishes so many templates, the ROI has been high, leading to strong support from leadership. “Our ROI is so massive to figure out, just because we have so many templates that we publish, [our savings is] in the millions,” said Connie. Since the team is saving 16 hours per design and they’re creating anywhere from 10 to 50 templates a day, Frontify has essentially paid for itself with the time-savings and self-service aspects.

Frontify has essentially paid for itself with the time-savings and self-service aspects.

Connie Bravo

Senior Manager, Marketing Technology and Analytics

By adopting Frontify, Spring Health has achieved remarkable efficiency in template creation, drastically reducing time from weeks to minutes. This newfound agility allows the marketing team to focus on strategic initiatives and expansion.

Watch our full webinar with Spring Health

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