Think outside
the blocks

Build and use unique content blocks to engage your brand builders and get the most out of your brand platform.

Brand builders using Frontify

Introducing fully customizable Content Blocks

Looking to create your first custom content block but don’t have developer capabilities? That’s okay! We’ve created a partner program to match you with agencies that can build your content blocks exactly how you want.
Experience the freedom to evolve your brand guidelines and add a new level of tailor-made content that truly represents your brand.
Start building
Dive into our Marketplace to browse and use a limitless selection of content blocks created by brand professionals across the world.
Explore new blocks

Build, brand, and
browse the best

Elevate existing guidelines

We applied our customizable block mechanic to all your existing guidelines so you can enjoy more features and freedom without changing a thing.

Build your next best Block

In addition to improving our existing content blocks, we’re introducing a whole range of new blocks so you can take your brand customization even further.

Explore our Partner’s creations

Vision shouldn’t be thwarted by capability, so we’re partnering with agencies to create even more unique content blocks that help you achieve your brand goals.

Trending content blocks
for guidelines

Enhance your guidelines with the perfect blocks to suit your brand’s needs.


All brands are unique, and your Frontify environment should be, too. So, in a personalized demo, we’ll show you the features covering your brand’s specific needs.