

Ensure your website reflects your brand's tone of voice by accessing and retrieving Frontify's on-brand assets through your Sitefinity UI.

Integrate Frontify with Sitefinity to ensure your website always features the latest brand-approved visuals. Access on-brand assets directly within the Sitefinity UI using the Frontify Finder's powerful search and filtering capabilities. With secure OAuth2.0 authentication, streamline your workflow while maintaining control over user access and permissions.

  • Improve your website consistency by sharing the most recently approved brand visuals
  • Streamline your content creation workflow with the Frontify Finder’s search and filter capabilities
  • Minimize errors by granting users access solely to the assets they have permission to work with

  • Access all your on-brand assets from Frontify within your Sitefinity UI
  • Utilize Frontify Finder to search for your latest visuals across your Frontify projects and libraries
  • Enjoy fast and easy access through the OAuth2.0 flow

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