Introducing Our New Brand Strategy

Introducing Our New Brand Strategy

Mission and vision statements are more than fancy words for the boardroom. They’re part of the brand bedrock – the underpinning of all you do as a company – which is why rethinking ours for a (soon to be revealed) major rebrand was essential.

Yes, you read that right – we’ve been doing a rebrand. Before any sort of grand reveal, though, we thought it would be nice to give a brief backstory and introduce you to the first bits of our strategy; a little context for what’s to come.

So, let’s talk about rebranding. On one hand, the decision to embark on a rebrand is a simple one. Brands are continually evolving, after all, with influence and output from every direction. But light adaptations here or there don’t always match the state of the brand, or the moment.

###We needed to make it absolutely clear what we believe in, what we’re working toward, and that it’s all for the incredible brands out there and the people behind them – but mostly, that we really do care about this stuff.

A little over a year ago, we’d just come off the wake of our Series B announcement. It was an exciting time, and we started recognizing the effects of our business rising to a new level – across our products, passion, and spirit – in different ways. The team of internal talents was growing exponentially, amazing partnerships were well under way, and more and more brands were adopting and advocating for our software. It’s the good stuff you have long-held ambitions for, but don’t necessarily set as the north star.

For Frontify, it’s always been about creating the best brand management experiences for our customers at every turn, and every stage of their brand’s size, type, or maturity. Crafting a software to enable that very process, and each person connected, is how we make that happen. Cue: the trigger for our rebrand.

To be fair, we’ve been working with pretty solid mission and vision statements for the last many years, but they definitely needed some refining. And that’s what we did, with the help of brand and creative agency, DesignStudio. At the early stage of the rebrand, we workshopped, iterated, then reworked these statements until we landed with messaging that said exactly what we’d been thinking and feeling for a very long time.

#Mission: Create a home where all brands can thrive. We’ve been successful in building a brand management platform, but it’s more than a digital space; there’s an emotional quality to the work centered there. This brand hub, this brand portal, this brand home, is a welcoming place – to gather, and grow – for all brands.


That final word, thrive, is a special one. It carries weight and breadth of meaning, in just five characters. Just as the Frontify environment enables the range of living properties of a brand, thrive encapsulates the status of brands at large, on their unique paths of positive development.

#Vision: A world where everyone is part of building beloved brands. The everyone aspect of this statement is paramount. Brands without people are, well, nonexistent. It’s through them that brands are crafted, shaped, built, adapted, shared, and so on. There’s also the perception angle, looking at brands from the outside in. That’s the truth of what ‘brand’ is after all: what people think.


This also highlights the actionable, continual nature of brand work, and the importance of engagement and empowerment of internals, externals, and audiences. Together, it's about building beloved brands; the kind of brands people can’t get enough of.

It’s with pride and enthusiasm that we share our new Frontify brand mission and vision with you – the true and authentic view of what we’re driven to achieve, and what we strive for. We hope you find some inspiration here, whether that’s in better knowing the company we are, or in taking some ideas back to your brand strategy.

For further info on our rebrand and what comes next – you can expect all sorts of delightful details, fresh designs, process insights, and more very soon. Stay tuned!

Roger Dudler
Roger Dudler
Founder & CEO