David Powell

Executive Global Practice Director, Brand Performance
Landor & Fitch

David joined Landor & Fitch in 2018 and is the Executive Global Practice Director in the Brand Performance team where he has responsibility for all projects relating to brand and business impact. He has worked in brand, marketing, and communications for 20 across all aspects of brand communications, brand strategy, employee engagement, sponsorship, and brand investment and return models.

David has extensive experience in providing advice and support with investment decisions leveraging consumer insight for leading global companies across multiple industries, including Adecco, Barclays, Coca-Cola, EY, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Maersk, Safaricom.

Dr Grace Kite

Magic Numbers and Magic Works

Grace is a business economist who’s worked on hundreds of MMM projects, learning about how to get growth in different categories, and coaching marketing people on how to put their numbers to good use and tell stories that enable change. In 2010 Grace founded Magic Numbers which does analytics and econometrics in a way that’s human and down to earth but always bang on and bang up to date. In 2023 she founded Magic Works, which offers practical no-nonsense, training on what works in marketing and how to convince stakeholders to do the right thing. Grace is a columnist at marketing week and WARC, and a regular speaker on marketing effectiveness. She has a PhD in Economics, 14 IPA Effectiveness award winners, including the Grand Prix in 2022, and was chair of technical judges in 2020 and 2022.

Victoria Montgomery

Senior Brand Manager
Oxford University Press

Victoria has managed the Oxford University Press (OUP) brand for several years, and prior to that worked in B2B marketing and as an ESL teacher, all based in the UK. She is also the co-founder of the Women in Brand network.

In her current role, she worked on the recent global rebrand of the 500-year-old OUP (a department of the University of Oxford and a registered charity) and continues to protect and develop this heritage brand – including managing its flagship .com channel and employer brand strategies, streamlining corporate brand management, and leading integrated brand-building communications. Victoria’s passionate about creating a cohesive and meaningful brand experience for audiences across touchpoints, and believes in the power of brand purpose to drive positive change.

Moderated by:

Rebecca Rosborough

Global CCO, Frontify